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Skinny Norris want's to join

Verfasst: 17 Nov 2010, 23:57
von $kinny Norri$
Well, I'll tell you almost anything you want to know in your "Join"-Topic: born 76, pornstar, rich - so, almost like Joker  :0l: - I know 1 or 2 of the hslan members, played 2 or 3 times on your server, adore Sid's Civ-Series and you know the rest ... but I won't tell bout my CPU  :0i: ... that's too much !

and Joker and Humbug, NO: I don't like the beavers hairy

Well, to be serious: It might be time to follow my KA and support the most likable gathering of gamers I met so far, so ...

:0h: ??

Skinny Norris want's to join

Verfasst: 18 Nov 2010, 00:04
von totaler_humbug

Skinny Norris want's to join

Verfasst: 18 Nov 2010, 00:55
von GN_Joker
\o/ skiiiiiiinny

Skinny Norris want's to join

Verfasst: 18 Nov 2010, 10:18
von Tulit
Skinnnnnyyyyy :0f:

Skinny Norris want's to join

Verfasst: 18 Nov 2010, 13:33
von Kordax
hslan.Norris or hslan.Skinny sounds good  :0c:

Skinny Norris want's to join

Verfasst: 18 Nov 2010, 16:08
von GN_Angrybeaver

Skinny Norris want's to join

Verfasst: 18 Nov 2010, 18:31
von Magneto[GER]
no no NOOOO  :0f:

? ? ?

Re: Skinny Norris want's to join

Verfasst: 18 Nov 2010, 18:41
von hslan.Simpson
I splitted this topic from the "join us"

Re: Skinny Norris want's to join

Verfasst: 18 Nov 2010, 20:43
von $kinny Norri$

After such a freaking stupid long working day that's some balm on my rotten old soul ...

Re: Skinny Norris want's to join

Verfasst: 18 Nov 2010, 21:17
von Dooppie
We all love Skinny Norris :0f:  :0h: