PoE patch 1.8 is da....


Moderatoren: co-admin, Global Moderator

Beiträge: 966
Registriert: 04 Aug 2006, 17:41

PoE patch 1.8 is da....

Beitrag von legion@r »

...so leutz,die Macher von PoE haben nun einen neuen Patch losgelassen.Der torrent zu dem man die vorige Version haben muss[1.7]is auch nur 80MB gross.Ich habe mich beim runtersaugen für den 2.dwnld Mirror entschieden.Der erste funtz nicht.Viel spass :0f:
...dreh dich öfters mal rum,sonst legt der Legion@r dich von hinten um...
hslan.Lord Helmchen
Beiträge: 1828
Registriert: 02 Sep 2004, 02:23

PoE patch 1.8 is da....

Beitrag von hslan.Lord Helmchen »

schick gleich mal saugen

-I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.- (Dark Helmet)
Foren Gott
Foren Gott
Beiträge: 3997
Registriert: 08 Nov 2004, 07:21

PoE patch 1.8 is da....

Beitrag von Kölsch »

Hab ihn auch direkt mal runter geladen
Beiträge: 966
Registriert: 04 Aug 2006, 17:41

PoE patch 1.8 is da....

Beitrag von legion@r »

...lohnt sich auf alle fälle;)...
...dreh dich öfters mal rum,sonst legt der Legion@r dich von hinten um...
Beiträge: 547
Registriert: 27 Jul 2005, 11:35

PoE patch 1.8 is da....

Beitrag von Ropes »

Also ich hab eigentlich keinen Unterschied bemerkt zu vorher -
oder gibt's mit dem Patch auch neue Maps, die ich bloß noch nicht gezockt habe??
Beiträge: 966
Registriert: 04 Aug 2006, 17:41

PoE patch 1.8 is da....

Beitrag von legion@r »

So nun wirst es wissen wenn du es dir übersetzt.Dies sind die ganzen veränderungen des 1.8 patch,weiterhin viel Spass;)

Changelog v1.8
version 1.8.0


Ger Boxer
.increased Low end torque

Ger Dingo
.added Zoom to the remote Mg *RMB/Secondary Fire
.removed ScanLines from remote MG Hud

Ger Ef2000
.increased cannon tracer size
.increased cannon velocity
.increased cannon damage on air assets
.lowered cannon damage to armor assets

Ger Tornado
.increased cannon tracer size
.increased cannon velocity
.increased cannon damage on air assets
.lowered cannon damage to armor assets
.increased track and lock distance on ATGM's
.decreased lock delay

Ger NH90
.Adjusted passenger ai temps

Ukr Dozer
.added Zoom to the remote Mg *RMB/Secondary Fire
.removed ScanLines from remote MG Hud

Ukr SU-27b
.increased cannon tracer size
.increased cannon velocity
.increased cannon damage on air assets
.lowered cannon damage to armor assets

Ukr Mig-25
.increased cannon tracer size
.increased cannon velocity
.increased cannon damage on air assets
.lowered cannon damage to armor assets

Ukr Hind
.increased ability to pull out of steep dives
.Adjusted passenger ai temps
.equiped Co-pilot With TV Guided ATGM's

Ukr FrogFoot
.increased bomb tracking distence

US F22
.increased cannon tracer size
.increased cannon velocity
.increased cannon damage on air assets
.lowered cannon damage to armor assets
.increased AB speed and usabilty
.fixed target lockbox reading german

US F18
.increased cannon tracer size
.increased cannon velocity
.increased cannon damage on air assets
.lowered cannon damage to armor assets
.fixed target lockbox reading german

US Cobra
.fixed spelling in localization files
.increased ability to pull out of steep dives
.increased spring strength
.increased cannon elevation

US BlackHawk
.added Zoom to the miniguns *RMB/Secondary Fire

Ger pzh2000
.removed camera recoil

Ukr m1974
.removed camera recoil

ukraav_shilka_sp (singleplayer/coop version)
.added to python scripts for end of round stats


.Slight damage boost

.Increased accuracy while on the move

.Slight reduction of recoil
.slightly lowered front iron sights from aim point

.Increased damage a tad

**Stationary Weapons**

Ukr Zu23
.added Zoom *RMB/Secondary Fire
.lowered hp

Ger Fk20
.added Zoom *RMB/Secondary Fire
.fixed not able to kill player seated
.lowered hp

.Adjusted hud
.Adjusted projectile settings
.added Zoom *RMB/Secondary Fire
.Poe coded it

.Adjusted progectile
.Adjusted Lock-on range
.Poe coded it

Ger/US Mortar
.fixed Restricted Exits

Ukr Mortar
.fixed Restricted Exits



.increased damage *1 hit causes criticalHP to be reached on aircraft

.increased damage *1 hit causes criticalHP to be reached on aircraft

_Fixed losing music not playing

_Commander menu
.changed color on arty icon

_SquadLeader menu
.added smoke request

**Game Modes**
.removed DoD
.made info messages to players appear every spawn
.made 'ticket counter' show number of players on each team (999 = no players on team)

.added different message when last controlpoint in line is lost/captured

_Nuke Objective
.removed wrench from engineer kits

_New bot names added.

_Fixed 'tank bug' (driver getting killed before tank)

_Fixed up on textures for low end users (should get better performance now)

_Dome of Doom
.if inside DoD with a vehicle, the vehicle will now blow up to kill player
(this due to anim seats causing 'tank bug')

** Python **
_Fixed up on locking of arty code

**Fixed Mantis Reports**
- 0000753: [Vehicle] uh60_v2 pilot position allows user to cycle through kit weapons (Seigman)
- 0000783: [Vehicle] GER fk20 has incorrect kill message (Seigman)
- 0000781: [Vehicle] Cobra kill message (Seigman)

.removed old arty objects
.increased respawn time on mobile arty
.added sokol rocket only variant

.updated singleplayer code
.switched to woodland skins
.added extra plane repair object to carrier
.adjusted fog settings
.increased DoD radius on carrier
.added sokol MG only variant

.removed old arty objects
.increased respawn time on mobile arty
.increased respawn time on the Cobra

.Added Zu23 to Farm flag on - 64p
.Moved Sa7 from Lumber yard to Ukraine main - 64p
.Decreased Sa7 respawn time - 64
.Slight increase spawn time for Cobra - 64p/32p
.repositioned Sa7 - 32

.removed old arty objects
.increased respawn time on mobile arty

.removed old arty objects
.increased respawn time on mobile arty

.added singleplayer mode
.removed old arty objects

.removed old arty objects
.increased respawn time on mobile arty
.added sokol rocket only variant

.removed old arty objects
.increased respawn time on mobile arty

.added singleplayer mode
.removed old arty objects
.increased respawn time on mobile arty

.added singleplayer mode
.removed old arty objects
.increased respawn time on mobile arty
.added sokol MG only variant

.increased respawn time on mobile arty
.reduced view distance by 50m
.fixed apc spawning on a rock at lighthouse
.added sokol MG only variant

.fixed spelling error in map description

.fixed map description
.adjusted ticket bleed for all sizes
.added flag names to localization

.fixed floating turret
.fixed ladder in old barn
.added back the antennas on all roofs

.removed old arty objects
.increased respawn time on mobile arty

.removed old arty objects
.increased respawn time on mobile arty
.increased fog distance

.added singleplayer mode
.reverted to original sky settings

.removed old arty objects
...dreh dich öfters mal rum,sonst legt der Legion@r dich von hinten um...
hslan.Lord Helmchen
Beiträge: 1828
Registriert: 02 Sep 2004, 02:23

PoE patch 1.8 is da....

Beitrag von hslan.Lord Helmchen »

mir persönlich gefallen primär die optischen Veränderungen die statt gefunden haben, wie zB. der Feuerstoß der jetzt aus den Panzerrohren kommt.
Spieltechnisch bin ich sehr von der neuen Steuerung der Artillerie und der Mörser begeistert, sprich dieser "Draufsicht", die es ermöglicht auch mit diesen Kampfgeräten endlich mal zuverlässig spaß zu haben ;)

-I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.- (Dark Helmet)
Beiträge: 547
Registriert: 27 Jul 2005, 11:35

PoE patch 1.8 is da....

Beitrag von Ropes »

Jessas - so viele Neuerungen!!
Dass ich davon noch nix gemerkt hab?
Wahrscheinlich, weil ich die meiste Zeit mit respawnen verbringe.
Beiträge: 966
Registriert: 04 Aug 2006, 17:41

PoE patch 1.8 is da....

Beitrag von legion@r »

Meistens merkst du es erst wenn es schon vorbei is wie:D
Aber nichts für ungut,is ja auch recht gefährlich in der Ukraine ;)...
...dreh dich öfters mal rum,sonst legt der Legion@r dich von hinten um...