Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Forgotten Hope

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Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von MordinSolus »


Ich MordinSolus und mein Freund ONeill1995 haben an einem langweiligem Nachmittag als fast keiner auf dem server war kleine duelle geliefert auf grund dessen wurden wir scheinbar vom server gebannt. Den grund dafür kannten wir und dachten deshalb das wir nur einen wochen oder monats ban bekommen hatten. Mein Freund ONeill kann im forum leider nicht stellung nehmen da er unter 18 ist und die regel nicht brechen möchte. Wir haben unsrer Lektion gelernt und möchten deshalb um eine Aufhebung des banns bitten.
Es war eine einmalige sinnfreie Aktion für die wir uns aufrichtig entschuldigen.
Beiträge: 173
Registriert: 10 Feb 2009, 22:42
Wohnort: Cardiff, wales

Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von pureperversions »

i will remove your ban on condition any more trouble and it will become permant again, oneil has had multiple warnings and kicked a few times, he has insulted admins, teamkilled and forced team kills his ban stays
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Registriert: 10 Aug 2012, 01:57

Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von MordinSolus »


thanks for unbanning me but my would you allow my friend to register on this page so he could take position, he is 17????
Beiträge: 173
Registriert: 10 Feb 2009, 22:42
Wohnort: Cardiff, wales

Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von pureperversions »

no matter what happens oneil will not be unbanned he has been abusive to admins that will not be tollerated
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Registriert: 10 Aug 2012, 22:14

Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von ONeill1995 »


i want to take action now on myself. First I have to say Im really sorry about this afternoon when there were a several tks due to some FH 2.4 bugs. If you will unban me or not, please tell me when and how i insulted admins. I also was not kicked that often, just 2 times, first time for being in "Wehrmacht" squad, 2nd time a few minutes later for asking why i was kicked. But i never was rude to anyone ingame, especially not the admins.

Please enlighten me, i really dont know why you think i have a rude language.

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Registriert: 10 Feb 2009, 22:42
Wohnort: Cardiff, wales

Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von pureperversions »

you accused admins of being nazis and abusing powers and calling us iddi etc, swearing at players who where not agreeing with you over the squad name, you had been on my watch list over behave about tking before this
Zuletzt geändert von pureperversions am 10 Aug 2012, 23:20, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Registriert: 10 Aug 2012, 22:14

Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von ONeill1995 »


i defenitely never called anyone a nazi, and i just said that i think it is neither fair nor justified to kick me because of the squad name. i cant see an accusation of abusing powers here, i just wanted to state my opinion about this (and i was NOT rude during this conversation). Also i want to correct you, i NEVER insulted anyone who thought this squadname is not ok, it was a discussion about the wehrmacht being war criminals or not, and i was not the only one discussing. but i accept the mistake that we continued talking about this ingame despite the fact that an admin (unfortunately i dont know who) told us to continue this discussion in the forum, the game would be the wrong place (yeah kinda right).

So i dont know why you accuse me with this, maybe you confuse me with someone else or maybe something was mistaken. if this is the case, im really sorry for it, i never wanted to insult players or admins in any form

Beiträge: 173
Registriert: 10 Feb 2009, 22:42
Wohnort: Cardiff, wales

Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von pureperversions »

irrespective of the squad name you had  been warned about tking multiple times before and yet contined to do so the ban stays
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 10 Aug 2012, 22:14

Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von ONeill1995 »

Come on i said im sorry and it wont happen again.

Dont you think that everyone should get a 2nd chance?

Btw: there is a test case with JohnnytheC, he was also unbanned. And an Admin in this forum also said that people should get a 2nd chance

Would you please lift the ban? :0g:
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Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von Jackson »

My opinion: I personally would not let him play with us on the server. The spiritual maturity for a 17-year-old he has not, so you can see in his game.
He has also built too much s***t on the server.  :0c:
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Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von hslan.Bomben-Johnny »

Btw: there is a test case with JohnnytheC, he was also unbanned. And an Admin in this forum also said that people should get a 2nd chance
Every admin is resposible for is own bans. What other admins have decided or not decided does not count here.
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Registriert: 10 Aug 2012, 22:14

Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von ONeill1995 »

Every admin is resposible for is own bans. What other admins have decided or not decided does not count here.
I just wanted to persuade him, because i know i did stupid things (especially that afternoon). But im not the bad guy tking, flaming, spamming and insulting ingame. Yes, i tked on purpose, but only one day. And i never flamed, spammed or insulted (as i already said) anyone.

So all i ask pureperversions for is a 2nd chance, and it would be fair to give it to me, just to show him and the hslan community that they have a wrong impression of me
Beiträge: 173
Registriert: 10 Feb 2009, 22:42
Wohnort: Cardiff, wales

Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von pureperversions »

as i have said before, it wasnt the first time you had been tk, i had kicked you on at least one other occasion
Beiträge: 173
Registriert: 10 Feb 2009, 22:42
Wohnort: Cardiff, wales

Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von pureperversions »

im not sure you know how frustrating it is to deal with people teamkilling, find out if they really are doing it on purpose, stoping playing even having to swap teams to keep eye on people, if you take that into account you will see why im very relucatant to unban you, BUT if i see you on other servers playing well not being an iddi i will reconsider the ban
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 10 Aug 2012, 22:14

Re: Mein Freund und ich wurden von dem FH2 server gebannt

Beitrag von ONeill1995 »

I know that it is often alot of work to keep up the fun for other players, im mod on a ts server, i do know what you mean. but i tell you i just build sh*t on one afternoon. So i think it is already a progress that im being watched now, with the chance to be unbanned

Well thx for that

Zuletzt geändert von ONeill1995 am 14 Aug 2012, 19:23, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.